
Showing posts from April, 2018

A Game Of Chess

Hey all! It feels good to be writing this post.  I usually prefer to write blogs only when I feel up to it. Now that can be put as being moody, but aren’t most of the creative people like that? Recently someone asked me when I would be putting up my next blog post and I guess that worked as a catalyst in pushing me towards this write-up which I had in my mind since a while. On a vacation a few weeks ago, I tried my hand at playing chess. Honestly, I only had some hazy memories of the rules of this game which I learnt sometime in my teenage and thanks to my family I was soon having a merry time plotting player positions! To win at a game like chess, one needs to have strategic skills and the ability to respond to chaos thrown at you. It is in fact a brilliantly intelligent game that engages the left side of your brain and pushes you towards logical thinking. But in the real world, ‘playing chess’ is often used as a metaphor for being cunning and having the drive to ach