
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Girl Boss Diary- 2

Believe that you’re worth it, Because you really are. Life is like a vast ocean- an ocean full of dreams that are like small beautiful islands scattered everywhere. Our journey entails going from one island to another, stopping at each island and taking in its beautiful view before we proceed to the next one. The roller coaster that life is, our journey from one island to another is not always smooth. There are tides and undercurrents that sometimes aid while at times obstruct our journey. When the tides and undercurrents go against our path, we get two choices- to swim against the hurdles to reach our destination or go with the tide. If we go with the tide, we may reach at a place that may not be the one where we wanted to be. So then begins the story of complaints, dissatisfaction and helplessness. When it comes to goals, I believe there is nothing such as ‘helplessness’. Wherever we are, whatever we face is a result of those continuous choices that we make