
Showing posts from March, 2018

It's Black or It's White!

“Umm well, sometimes but not that often”, “Not really”, “May be”, “I’m not sure”, “I can but….”, “ Hmmm…okay…..”, “ I don’t mind, but how about….”; those endless phrases that keep you thinking about what to exactly say, or as an audience what you should expect to hear. Confusion is by default a part of each one’s mind and getting confused is normal, but what if this so called ‘normal’ thing happens frequently? The mind and the heart usually play a tug-of-war with you being the rope and not to mention those self-values, societal norms, additional motives and contradicting goals that keep your mind oscillating like a pendulum so eventually you end up beating around the bush and get your audience baffled too! (That was a long sentence so you may read it again). Here I’m not referring to those petty things about what to eat, which dress to buy and so on. It’s about reacting to situations and responding to people. Most of the times fear, anger, societal pressure and the