I Am Precious

“It’s always the right time to start being yourself…for in the chaotic journey of life, there is nothing more Precious than your real Essence”

These are the days of podcasts and audio-visual content. But I find it liberating to write/ type down my thoughts. Hence this blog will always be special to me…after all, it was a Birthday Gift to myself in 2016!

Talking about gifts, the idea of self-gifting always clicks to me. I see it as an essential routine of self-love and self-care, leading me to perceive myself as a special person (without being a narcissist).

Losing Oneself in the Journey

We all play different roles at each stage of life. Starting off with being a good kid, an ideal student, the perfect partner, the right employee or a successful entrepreneur, the best parent….too many expectations! Most of these roles involve other people and groups. And while these different set-ups can nurture absolutely well, being a part of groups can be taxing on one’s real self.

The other day I had a healthy conversation with an old friend about how ‘people pleasing’ transformed her life goals and made her a totally different person. To put it straight-forward, societal norms and expectations can be overwhelming. Corporate pressures can be equally powerful in that case. And most of us give in to the power and molding ourselves to realign with our groups or the society.

As for my life journey, I had been through the stage of giving in and letting society define my existence. It was most of my teenage when people’s approval mattered to me. I really looked forward to getting appreciation- societal judgements were important.

Society isn’t a bad thing, it can nurture, but in most cases, it doesn’t. And people get so used to identifying themselves as a part of society, that the very thought of breaking away from the masses can scare! Many-a-times, people overlook ‘deliberate insults’ from community members, some of them also go through the slow death of life goals. These things undoubtedly hurt….but as far as tolerance to negativity is necessary to be part of your ‘precious’ group…..accepting nuisance can become a habit….a way of life!

I feel fortunate to have I realised this downfall before it came to me. There was a stage in my early twenties where I decided to shun the idea of earning people’s approval. Right from petty everyday things to major decisions like choosing the right life partner, I decided never to succumb to any sort of societal influence.

And since my blog is more about introspection and the transition to a better and happier self, I thought about sharing my experiences so far.

I Am Precious- The Affirmation

Yes, I am…. important....very important to myself.

I will always be a Priority for myself.

My likes/dislikes and dreams matter to me.

My values reflect my soul… my true essence, something I would never trade-off for anything.

My goals will always keep me going.

Learning and growth is as necessary to me as breathing.

Protecting my real essence is my first responsibility.

These affirmations have been a part of my life for years now, getting only stronger with time. It includes taking care of my routines and keeping my tasks in tune with the broader visions that I've created for my life.

If you are still reading this blog, I’m sure you must have by now recollected many instances where you succumbed to society and/or stood up for yourself.

It’s an ongoing process, where every situation leaves you with two choices- ‘Self’ or ‘Something Else’. My journey of choosing ‘Self’ so far has given me different results- losing some people and being an inspiration for some. Choosing myself has taken away opportunities as well as given me new ones. Some friend circles dissolved….new ones formed.

In all, keeping my ‘Preciousness’ intact has been quite a gain-more than a loss. Above all, it gives me an intense feeling of delight, letting my soul Breathe Free!

So well, I would always love being my Precious Self!

Have any thoughts or opinions to share? Do leave your comments or you can reach out to me on my Instagram handle: @bhavnanarang.

Have a lovely day!


  1. The problem is we fail to become selfish when we have to. Give up a lot of ourself in keeping others happy and content. Feed their ego with pieces of ours.

    1. That is where you must realise..that your prime responsibility is... SELF :)

    2. May be people are too afraid to hurt others or hurt for whom they care. Obsessed of being harmless and perfect.

    3. Well in that case they ought to be perfect for and with themselves too :)


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