Healthy Hair With Cheveux Silk Herbal Hair Pack

Nourishing oneself is extremely important. Your physical, mental and emotional well being depends a lot upon how you treat yourself. While most of my posts have an ingredient of self enhancement, this one is specifically dedicated to the story behind my long (and sometimes wild) hair. Having put my hair through a series of treatments that initially gave them the smoothness and luster that I always longed for, left behind a bitter feeling when post these chemical treatments I would see my lovely locks lifeless. I went on to repeat these treatments but that only made things worse. Hence there came a time when I decided never to put my hair through these grinding processes again.

It’s been years that I have worked upon getting my hair back to its natural bounce and thankfully they’re quite healthy now. However it takes me a lot of time and efforts to maintain them and that includes regular oiling and using a mild shampoo and a good conditioner. I also regularly apply hair masks which are again selected carefully after thorough research.

I recently got to know about Cheveux Silk Herbal Hair Pack and of course, the product had to pass through my thorough scrutiny. This pack includes powdered fenugreek seeds, Amla and musk root as well as other herbs which I used to combine to make a home-made hair pack.  These home-made packs were quite messy, but good things never come easy! However, the Cheveux Silk pack is quite convenient to use. I had to prepare the mixture in water 20 minutes before application and keep it for only 45 minutes which is quite less as compared to the 2 hours required for my other hair packs. So that means this product wouldn’t disturb my routine!

Talking about the results- well this product does make a difference. But since it is not a regular salon treatment that involves harsh chemicals that will coat your hair for a week and then vanish, this hair pack shows better results with repeated use. The Cheveux Silk Herbal Hair Pack is ideal for controlling hair fall, dandruff, dullness and even premature graying of hair which is a growing issue even amongst teenagers these days!

Nourishment is something that has to be given regularly irrespective of whether you have any hair problem or not. Just like you eat food every day and apply a skin moisturizer before stepping out, a weekend or bi-weekly herbal power dose will definitely benefit your hair in the long run.
I would like to conclude by saying that such natural products work best when used repeatedly and eventually your hair will evolve into how you always wanted it to be- smooth, shiny, healthy and full of life!


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