All is Well!

 Hello, Sunshine! I missed you :)

Bought this sunflower skirt-top coordinate a few weeks ago from an e-commerce site..not really for a special day. I ordered it amidst a dark phase of my life, with the hope of brighter days ahead.

And while I post these pictures, the feeling is beyond elation. I made it. The dark tunnel that initiated during the second corona wave is finally over.

It all commenced on 5th April, when my family was tested positive for Covid-19. And in half a week, my parents were transferred to different hospitals. Social alienation, lack of domestic help, unavailability of Remdesivir and Tocilizumab- the scary night seemed to have no end the entire month.

Keep Going...

Amidst the uncertainty of life, two siblings made it a point to do every bit to revive our parents. Whether it was running around to deliver supplies to my Mom's hospital or walk into the Covid ICU every single day to revive our Dad, my brother and I covered every possible path. From medicines to prayers and spiritual healing, it was faith that kept us going through the three long weeks of our parents' hospitalization.

A Ray of Hope...

The May month brought some relief with having our parents back home, but in a condition that wouldn't allow our mind to be at peace. Round the clock running around for a special 2-hour frequency diet revived them quite fast but alas... On 17th May my father was diagnosed with Mucormycosis, the black fungal infection.

Why? : Stop Questioning, Start Facing.

I went through stages of severe stress, handling two patients as a working person was beyond tedious. My dad's treatment took yet another 11 weeks including two operations. With sleepless nights and hustling days, the only thought that inspired me was- My Parents Are Alive.

Stolen Moments

Being a working person I had commitments. Opting for a complete WFH arrangement, I made through the assignments of my part-time job.

My blogging took a backseat; a few pictures from pre-corona days kept my Instagram active. But well, I did get some bonus days when quick photo sessions gave me a much-needed breather.

Little dessert treats at home to celebrate improving health reports of our parents were some other moments of joy, stolen from the pandemic crisis.

My workouts, especially yoga sessions served as grounding activities, connecting me to a stronger self.

A Smile is More Powerful Than You Think

All through the four months, I never went a day without smiling. I even took to sharing positive quotes on my social media to pump up my good vibes, coz it was the optimism that utlimately kept me going through the grind.

And that's the reason I never mentioned my pandemic crisis on my profile while it was active. As per the Law of Attraction, we invite what we create in our mind. For me, the thoughts had to be all about... Solutions and Positivity.

All is Well :)

1st August- my birthday month brought us all a new beginning. With my Dad's infection cleared (hopefully 100%)- his energy levels coming back on track and my Mom up and moving again, I see it all coming into place again... The Chaos seems to have Ended For Good...

&'s a Happy Ending :)

To the Universe-

No Complaints...Only Gratitude :)

My Blogging Anniversary

Today, as I complete five years into blogging, micro blogging and being on social media as an influencer, the journey looks like a collection of beautiful moments.

Thank you for being a part of it :)


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