Summer Hacks and Hair Care

Summer and the heat! It’s the time of the year where even the thought of stepping out of the house during the day brings a frown on our faces. As the temperature rises, our skin, hair and energy levels get worse. The best course of action to follow in such situations is to stay indoors, but that may not be possible.

As per my schedule, I shuttle around in the heat almost daily on my two-wheeler, covering a distance ranging from 15 to 25 kilometres a day, major part of it being in the extreme heat. Sun-strokes can be bad and I’ve been through them many-a-times, following which I would have to stay grounded for days together. My skin used to get patchy and my hair lifeless. Something had to be done to survive summer peacefully. I added certain things to my routine and the results have been amazing! Thankfully, I can now work for over 12 hours a day with full energy. As for my skin, honestly it is a little tanned, yet lustrous and my hair has its full bounce!

Here are the things that I have added to my routine to be able to enjoy summers in good health:
  1. ·        Though it may sound banal, but yes, I drink 4 to 5 litres of water every day. All your summer hacks will be meaningless if you don’t consumer adequate quantity of water.
  2. ·        I have added these 3 drinks to my daily diet: Fresh lemon juice, salted buttermilk and aam panna. I usually avoid adding sugar to any of these. Instead I add a spoon of glucose to the raw mango drink.
  3. ·        Processed food, sweets, ice-creams and junk food; no matter how much I love food, I keep these things at bay (most of the times).
  4. ·        For my hair, I cover my head with a helmet while driving a two-wheeler to protect my scalp from direct sunlight ( I know that wearing a helmet is mandatory but even if it wasn’t, I would have still worn it for the sake of my hair).Long hair needs good care! I also apply a generous amount of oil onto my scalp atleast four times a week. But that causes problems with my shoot schedules and oily hair makes looking presentable a big challenge!

The Power of Fruits:
This is in continuation to my summer hacks, but I want to tell you about fruits in detail hence I put this point separately. My day begins with a bowl of fruits and many-a-times, especially during summers, it also ends with fruits. While processed food taxes your system heavily, fruits work like an energy bar!

Well we all know about the benefits of fruits for skin and on the overall health, but I was wondering if fruits could do something equally good for our hair. I recently got a lovely fruit tiara from ‘Hair & Care’ and this is what they have to say about fruits:

1.     Strawberries have anti-oxidants that keep hair moisturized, shiny and smooth.
2.     SweetLime contains vitamins that strengthen hair and is also used for the treatment of split ends and dandruff.
3.     Pomegranate is rich in essential fatty acids and puninic acid, that gives hair a natural gloss
4.     Olives are rich in vitamins A, E and antioxidants, that help protect the keratin in hair and seals in moisture.
5.     Oranges works as natural conditioners with numerous benefits from its pulp, juice and even the peels.
6.     Green apples are packed with vitamins and minerals that help promote hair growth.

All these things sound amazing, but I really do not have the time and patience to apply these things on to my hair. At the same time, I would love to have all the above mentioned benefits for my long locks. If only I could get all of these in a simplified and non-messy form!

My summer days are going very well thanks to a good and healthy lifestyle. As for my hair, I am looking forward to something that would be nourishing and at the same time would not interfere with my presentability.

I will be coming up soon with new looks and style –tips (combined with my usual chatter of thoughts, ideas and experiences).

Till then,
Stay Cool, Stay Happy!!



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