Cool Vibes!

It’s June and still 46 degrees! As I work, exercise or just sit back on the couch checking my social media, heat waves keep coming over like an uninvited guest and bring up that little frown line on my forehead.  Over the years, thanks to global warming things have just gotten worse and while I can still do my share of protecting the environment, the fact is that the weather conditions are largely out of my hands.

Just like the harsh climate, every now and then we encounter such not-so-pleasant situations that are beyond our control. I staunchly live by the principles of hard work and consistent efforts and believe that every problem has a solution. But yes, there are always exceptions and sometimes the only way out is- to face it with a smile. In case of summers, you may have little windows like your air conditioned homes and offices but practically you cannot confine yourself to closed spaces and have to step out into the sunlight at some point of time. I know that doesn’t sound good but face it- your bones need Vitamin D!

I usually see a lot of people cribbing about the heat and I always feel like telling them ‘Hold on!  Whether you like it or not, the sun is going to be as stubborn. So you better focus on other things around.’ Following my path of gratitude, I’ve come to terms with the reality of life and of situations that exist to make one stronger. Sometimes these problems may confine you and your goals and while you should keep trying to find your way out, let not those moments pass by with feelings of regret and dejection, for within the darkest of situations your ultimate aim should be to live a happy life!

Coming back to summers, I have my own ways of staying cool. I’m definitely not an AC addict so I rely more on consuming the right foods and soothing liquids, yoga and softer colour palettes for my wardrobe, like this comfortable blue and white tunic. Above all, having a balanced mindset about summers and the fact that this will eventually pass helps me to face the heat with a peaceful mind. Extending this mindset to other out-of-control situations helps me keep my cool and channelizes my energy in the right direction.
Cool vibes as always wise, isn’t it? You can save all the aggression for your goals!
Enjoy the last days of summer!


Outfit Details:

Tunic : S & V Designs
            To get the same outfit, click here-
Shoes: Pantaloons
Eyeshadow : Huda Beauty Electric Obsessions
Lip colour: Paese Cosmetics Argan oil lipstick


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