Judge Me Right

“I’m not like that” “I can explain” “You got me wrong” “Don’t think that way please” These statements sound too familiar right? I’m sure most of you must have used them multiple times. Honestly I’ve myself used them a lot of times, but only when I grew up. Childhood is actually the happiest phase of one’s life. Children tend to live in their own world, they do their own thing and you’ll hardly find them explaining themselves well unless they’ve been questioned by their parents for their naughtiness. Apart from that, kids are like free birds!

Humans are indeed a very powerful species. Blessed with an intelligent mind, we have the ability to judge people and this ability gets stronger as we grow. In fact as we’re progressing towards advanced levels of civilization, it has become easier for us to form judgments about others. We’re smart enough to draw conclusions with just a few facts combined with the creative right hemisphere of our brain that fills in gaps with amazing assumptions.

The Irony

The ability to judge is power while making judgments about others to the extent that it affects them is a superpower! So can I say that somewhere we’re all blessed with this super power? Now the irony is- that while you’re making judgments about others at the same time you may be getting affected about how others perceive you! That means, on one hand you’re holding someone else’s ropes and on the other hand people (maybe these same people) have your ropes in their hands. Now that’s what I call an ‘interesting world’ (sarcasm intended). 

Who is your judge?

Your spouse, kids, friends, relatives, neighbors, office colleagues, domestic helpers, strangers, wow! Higher the number of judges that you have, it is more likely that you will be less happy. The constant pressure of ‘being right’ in everyone’s eyes eventually weighs you down, taking away your individualism, your very essence of existence away from you. That is where kids are smarter. They do what they like and they’re happy! They just don’t bother about who’s thinking what!

If you have a lot of judges in your life then the worst you can do is think of yourself as a victim. These people are not designated as your judge it is more of a voluntary act of power distribution done solely by you. As I realized this, I went on taking back this power from the web of people around and assimilating all the energy into my own self. As my ‘judge group’ gets smaller, my smile gets wider!

I look at people’s judgments as a bubble which surrounds only them instead of seeing those opinions as a rope that can bind me. Judgments are inevitable; people will always keep forming opinions, we cannot do away with all that super-creative stuff, but we can definitely do away with the judges!
So dear Jury, what do you think about this write-up? Do leave your ‘judgments’ ( lolz I mean feedback) in the comments section.

Here are my outfit details:
Top: Shopper’s Stop
Trousers: Lifestyle
Heels: Lifestyle
Earrings: Bhavs Designer Jewellery (my creation)


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