Celebrating Freedom

Today is indeed a very special day, because apart from celebrating Independence Day, I will be celebrating the first anniversary of my blog. As my baby blog turns one, I sincerely want to thank each and every one who has been a part of my blogging life- brands that collaborated, blog readers, social media followers, photographers and all those who have contributed to my blog in any way.

Since it is Independence Day, I want to share my idea of freedom. To me, freedom is being yourself. Most of us try to fit ourselves into other people’s image of us. Trying to be the ideal one in every role that we play is like white light giving up its pristine hue and splitting into seven colours forever. Even though each of the spectrum colours is beautiful, they can never replace the beauty of white light. In the same way, no matter how much you change yourself to fit into the many roles that you play, you must never lose your essence, for the real person behind those masks, is irreplaceable.

Another aspect of freedom is, possessing the power to be happy. Yes happiness is power, in fact a Superpower! Once you have this superpower problems lose their significance. You’re then free from negativity and that- is freedom in its real sense.

The third aspect of freedom is- living a balanced life. Most of us don’t realize that we are actually slaves. From little things like our cell phone to greater things like our goals, we are enslaved. Initially we chase our goals and with time, our goals get so powerful that they start pulling us and we just go with the flow. Your goal becomes your master and dictates you to give up on family time, leisure and even your own health. So to me, freedom is having command over every goal and every object that surrounds your life (including your smart phone). So next time if you want to experience real freedom, don’t cancel your outing because of an overtime meeting and, chuck those phone calls while you’re having your meal! 

Being Clear, Strong and Sorted- to me that’s freedom in a nutshell. And each day I strive to get closer to the zenith of Freedom.

 Hope you liked this post!

Happy Independence Day!

Outfit Details:
The complete outfit is from Pantaloons.


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