Walk At Your Own Pace

Goals and more goals- achievements-success-money-fame-being above everyone else-
Woh! Isn't that too much to chase all at once? And even if it's not, then there are a lot of things missing out here like a delightful day with your family, seeing your kids grow, feeling the rain fall on your face, the changing colours of sky and so many beautiful things around to appreciate!

I've always been one of those who like to take in the beauty of life at every step. Recently someone asked me, "What is your dream project?" Basically I consider my entire life as a series of dream projects, celebrating every little success, learning from my shortcomings and getting better. These days, there's such a rush everywhere, it feels as if the world has turned into a video game and people are moving around like Mario, trying to grab as many coins as they can, pushing away those little monsters that come in their way. I don't say that being ambitious is bad; I have my own set of goals. I even have my 'workaholic weeks' and peak times where work takes over completely but eventually things have to be pulled back to equilibrium. What's more important for me is that while I focus on my goals and put in consistent efforts, there shouldn't be any blinkers that make me miss out on all the fun happening around!

At school, I was quite diligent. Even while pursuing graduation, I never missed a class. But my post graduation batch taught me how to be the Lord of the last bench and yet have your notes complete and how to miss a class, watch a movie and yet get an A Grade in the examination (without cheating). Now if you ask me which college gave me happier memories, the answer would undoubtedly be my post graduation class!

In this super-fast moving world where everyone is running a race, it may take a while to get comfortable with walking at your own pace. If you put it simply, it’s all about priorities!

I hope you liked this post. If there’s any particular topic you want me to write about, do let me know!



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